Scholar Ranking - Citations

Posted on 2018-02-03


citations {

[300000, 782097) = 11,

[200000, 299999) = 46 (sum 57),

[150000, 199999) = 78 (sum 135),

[100000, 149999) = 311 (sum 446),

[74056, 99999) = 554 (sum 1000).


hIndex {

[200, 272) = 30,

[150, 199) = 167 (sum 197),

[120, 149) = 412 (sum 609),

[100, 119) = 191 (sum 800),

[18, 99) = 200 (sum 1000).


1.Michel Foucault / 782097 / 242 / hRank8 / Collège de France

2.Pierre Bourdieu / 574044 / 249 / hRank6 / Centre de Sociologie Européenne; Collège de France

3.Sigmund Freud / 482648 / 272 / hRank1 / University of Vienna

4.Albert Bandura / 451545 / 180 / hRank56 / Stanford University

5.Bert Vogelstein / 342631 / 241 / hRank9 / Johns Hopkins University

6.Noam Chomsky / 337098 / 164 / hRank106 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

7.Eric Lander / 328108 / 234 / hRank11 / Broad Institute Harvard MIT

8.Tom Maniatis / 325704 / 148 / hRank210 / Columbia University

9.Michael E Porter / 319874 / 142 / hRank276 / Bishop William Lawrence University; Harvard Business School

10.Herbert Simon / 311351 / 170 / hRank85 / Carnegie Mellon University

11.Eugene Braunwald / 308150 / 250 / hRank4 / Brigham and Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School

12.Daniel Kahneman / 296047 / 126 / hRank498 / Princeton University

13.Douglas G Altman / 294346 / 189 / hRank45 / Oxford University

14.Amartya Sen / 292905 / 191 / hRank42 / Harvard University

15.Masatoshi Nei / 291500 / 118 / hRank623 / Pennsylvania State University

16.Ronald C Kessler / 286281 / 255 / hRank3 / Harvard University

17.Ulrich K Laemmli / 273494 / 67 / hRank935 / University of Geneva

18.Karl Marx / 271714 / 163 / hRank116 / Universities of Bonn Berlin and Jena

19.Graham Colditz / 268650 / 271 / hRank2 / Washington University in St Louis

20.Robert Tibshirani / 262969 / 139 / hRank307 / Stanford University

21.Michael Graetzel / 258463 / 227 / hRank13 / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

22.Paulo Freire / 251240 / 124 / hRank531 /

23.Oliver H Lowry / 247156 / 88 / hRank867 / Washington University in St Louis

24.George M Sheldrick / 246895 / 105 / hRank759 / Goettingen University

25.Philip Kotler / 246834 / 151 / hRank187 / Northwestern University

26.Max Weber / 245380 / 123 / hRank549 / Universities of Berlin Freiburg Heidelberg Vienna Munich

27.Joseph E Stiglitz / 245163 / 199 / hRank31 / Columbia University

28.Jacques Derrida / 242744 / 190 / hRank44 / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris EHESS

29.Andrei Shleifer / 241583 / 135 / hRank369 / Harvard University

30.Amos Tversky / 235985 / 102 / hRank784 / Stanford University

31.Salim Yusuf / 234226 / 215 / hRank17 / McMaster University; Hamilton Health Sciences

32.Erving Goffman / 232339 / 87 / hRank874 / University of Pennsylvania

33.Stephen West / 232123 / 80 / hRank894 / Arizona State University

34.Robert Langer / 230926 / 241 / hRank10 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

35.Solomon H Snyder / 228898 / 245 / hRank7 / Johns Hopkins University

36.JoAnn E Manson / 228418 / 250 / hRank5 / Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Womens Hospital; Harvard School of Public Health

37.Eugene F Fama / 228266 / 95 / hRank826 / Chicago Booth

38.Donald B Rubin / 225484 / 119 / hRank610 / Harvard University

39.Oliver E Williamson / 223054 / 109 / hRank711 / University of California Berkeley

40.Michael Karin / 222410 / 228 / hRank12 / University of California San Diego

41.Icek Ajzen / 222178 / 90 / hRank860 / University of Massachusetts Amherst

42.Kenneth Kinzler / 221576 / 204 / hRank22 / Johns Hopkins University

43.Richard M Ryan / 220516 / 154 / hRank162 / University of Rochester

44.Gary S Becker # / 218203 / 95 / hRank827 / University of Chicago

45.Gilles Deleuze / 216083 / 151 / hRank188 /

46.Paul M Ridker / 215947 / 200 / hRank28 / Harvard Medical School

47.Glen Cowan / 215271 / 169 / hRank89 / Royal Holloway University of London

48.S B Kim / 214644 / 199 / hRank32 / Seoul National University

49.Miguel Branco / 214284 / 191 / hRank43 / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

50.Edward L Deci / 208677 / 124 / hRank532 / University of Rochester

51.Ahmedin Jemal / 207387 / 91 / hRank856 / American Cancer Society

52.Joey Huston / 204975 / 172 / hRank72 / Michigan State University

53.David Botstein / 203608 / 170 / hRank86 / Princeton University

54.Vincenzo Barone / 202210 / 104 / hRank766 / Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

55.John P Perdew # / 202065 / 96 / hRank819 / Temple University

56.Robert A Weinberg / 201538 / 180 / hRank57 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

57.Gordon Guyatt / 201459 / 222 / hRank14 / McMaster University

58.Robert Gardner / 195998 / 175 / hRank64 / University of Chicago

59.Carlo Croce / 194456 / 209 / hRank19 / Ohio State University

60.James G March / 193753 / 108 / hRank723 / Stanford University

61.Mark Daly / 192036 / 167 / hRank93 / Harvard University

62.Paul R Krugman / 189878 / 146 / hRank229 / Princeton University

63.Peter M Bentler / 188939 / 102 / hRank785 / University of California Los Angeles

64.Peter Barnes / 188384 / 206 / hRank21 / Imperial College London

65.Matthias Mann # / 188263 / 200 / hRank29 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

66.Webb Miller / 187061 / 96 / hRank820 / Pennsylvania State University; University of California Santa Barbara

67.Eric Topol / 186360 / 204 / hRank23 / Scripps Research Institute

68.Yiguo Zhang / 185401 / 172 / hRank73 / Chongqing University

69.Karl Friston / 184263 / 202 / hRank26 / University College London

70.Edward Witten / 182487 / 188 / hRank46 / Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton

71.Richard A Flavell / 181841 / 220 / hRank15 / Yale University; HHMI

72.Geoffrey Hinton / 179922 / 132 / hRank412 / University of Toronto

73.David R Cox / 179206 / 108 / hRank724 / Oxford University

74.Lotfi A Zadeh / 178567 / 104 / hRank767 / University of California Berkeley

75.Rebecca L Siegel / 178128 / 41 / hRank990 / American Cancer Society

76.Alan Heeger / 177877 / 187 / hRank48 / University of California Santa Barbara

77.A S Fauci / 177089 / 204 / hRank24 / National Institutes of Health NIH

78.Steven A Rosenberg / 176874 / 207 / hRank20 / National Cancer Institute NIH

79.Frank B Hu / 175710 / 213 / hRank18 / Harvard University

80.Guido Kroemer / 175662 / 199 / hRank33 / INSERM

81.Kenneth J Arrow / 175238 / 133 / hRank405 / Stanford University

82.Valentin Fuster / 173748 / 174 / hRank66 / Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares CNIC

83.Ralph B D’Agostino / 172837 / 200 / hRank30 / Boston University

84.Daniel Levy / 172098 / 194 / hRank38 / National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

85.Swagato Banerjee / 171276 / 151 / hRank189 / University of Louisville

86.Albert László Barabási / 169684 / 121 / hRank575 / Northeastern University; Harvard Medical School

87.Clifford Geertz / 169354 / 98 / hRank808 / Princeton University

88.Deywis Moreno / 169278 / 163 / hRank117 / Universidad Antonio Narino

89.Katherine Flegal / 168736 / 92 / hRank851 / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

90.Joseph A Schumpeter / 168631 / 86 / hRank878 / Harvard University

91.Peter Libby / 168402 / 199 / hRank34 / Harvard Medical School

92.Keiji Morokuma / 166590 / 113 / hRank672 /

93.Gustavo E Scuseria / 166400 / 110 / hRank703 / Rice University

94.Anil K Jain / 165906 / 167 / hRank94 / Michigan State University

95.Bertrand Nicquevert / 165893 / 165 / hRank100 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

96.Fred H Gage / 165690 / 201 / hRank27 / Salk Institute

97.Albert Sirunyan / 165384 / 164 / hRank107 / Yerevan Physics Institute

98.Valarie Zeithaml / 164363 / 73 / hRank915 / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

99.Robert Putnam / 163615 / 80 / hRank895 / Harvard University

100.Peer Bork / 163394 / 175 / hRank65 / European Molecular Biology Laboratory

101.Georg Kresse / 162595 / 106 / hRank749 / University of Vienna

102.Patrick O Brown / 161927 / 148 / hRank211 / Impossible Foods Inc; Stanford University School of Medicine

103.H Bernhard Schlegel / 161871 / 109 / hRank712 / Wayne State University

104.Alan Baddeley / 161033 / 147 / hRank219 / University of York

105.Ronald M Evans / 161001 / 192 / hRank41 / Salk Institute for Biological Studies

106.Chris Frith / 160084 / 204 / hRank25 / University College London

107.David Harvey / 159706 / 102 / hRank786 / City University of New York

108.Mildred S Dresselhaus / 159597 / 167 / hRank95 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

109.Hannah Arendt / 158405 / 120 / hRank595 / Stanford; Princeton; Yale; University of Chicago

110.Trevor Hastie / 156635 / 112 / hRank681 / Stanford University

111.Hongjie Dai / 156154 / 170 / hRank87 / Stanford University

112.David E Goldberg / 156122 / 105 / hRank760 / ThreeJoy Associates Inc

113.Zhong Lin Wang / 156086 / 196 / hRank35 / Georgia Institute of Technology

114.Gregory Lip / 155879 / 154 / hRank163 / University of Birmingham; Aalborg University

115.Michael Cole / 155874 / 108 / hRank725 / University of California San Diego

116.Christopher Murray / 155597 / 147 / hRank220 / University of Washington

117.Michael Schmitt / 155428 / 155 / hRank156 / Northwestern University

118.Dhiman Chakraborty / 155086 / 140 / hRank295 / Northern Illinois University

119.Robert Merton / 154299 / 114 / hRank663 / Columbia University

120.C Florez / 153760 / 168 / hRank90 / Universidad de los Andes

121.John Rawls / 153304 / 81 / hRank889 / Harvard University

122.Pekka Sinervo / 153285 / 171 / hRank79 / University of Toronto

123.Stephen Altschul / 153263 / 48 / hRank974 / NCBI NLM NIH

124.William H Press / 153131 / 65 / hRank939 / University of Texas at Austin

125.Younan Xia / 153086 / 195 / hRank37 / Georgia Institute of Technology

126.Santiago González de la Hoz / 152887 / 156 / hRank145 / Instituto de Física Corpuscular CSIC University of Valencia

127.Emelia J Benjamin / 152687 / 156 / hRank146 / Boston University

128.Richard K Wilson / 151889 / 139 / hRank308 / Washington University in St Louis

129.John McMurray / 151375 / 161 / hRank123 / University of Glasgow

130.Yusuke Nakamura / 151033 / 172 / hRank74 / University of Chicago; University of Tokyo; RIKEN; University of Utah

131.Krzysztof Sliwa / 150640 / 171 / hRank80 / Tufts University

132.Richard R Nelson / 150638 / 123 / hRank550 / Columbia University

133.George Lakoff / 150561 / 99 / hRank801 / University of California Berkeley

134.A Parasuraman / 150410 / 87 / hRank875 / University of Miami

135.A Bodek / 150303 / 178 / hRank61 / University of Rochester

136.John Trojanowski / 149567 / 196 / hRank36 / University of Pennsylvania

137.Diederick E Grobbee / 149335 / 178 / hRank62 / University Medical Center Utrecht

138.Craig Thompson / 149019 / 187 / hRank49 / Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

139.Karl Popper / 148761 / 119 / hRank611 / London School of Economics; University of London

140.George E P Box / 148589 / 94 / hRank837 / University of Wisconsin Madison

141.Henry Mintzberg / 148468 / 110 / hRank704 / McGill University

142.Elizabeth M Ward / 148299 / 81 / hRank890 / NIOSH; American Cancer society

143.James J Heckman # / 148260 / 153 / hRank172 / University of Chicago

144.Andrés Pacheco Pages / 147132 / 160 / hRank125 / Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies Barcelona

145.Brian P Flannery / 146986 / 52 / hRank966 / Resources for the Future

146.David Haussler / 146983 / 146 / hRank230 / University of California Santa Cruz

147.Simon D M White / 146358 / 165 / hRank101 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

148.H Eugene Stanley / 146333 / 171 / hRank81 / Boston University

149.Geert Hofstede / 145974 / 94 / hRank838 / University of Maastricht

150.Martin Seligman / 145793 / 136 / hRank351 / University of Pennsylvania

151.Lev Davidovich Landau / 145066 / 102 / hRank787 / Moscow State University; Russian Academy of Sciences RAS

152.Meenakshi Narain / 144986 / 137 / hRank337 / Brown University

153.Theodor Adorno / 144405 / 140 / hRank296 / Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

154.Kevin Lane Keller / 144363 / 75 / hRank908 / Dartmouth College

155.Eugene Koonin / 143893 / 182 / hRank53 / National Institutes of Health NIH

156.Etienne Wenger Trayner / 143833 / 54 / hRank960 /

157.Edward O Wilson / 143715 / 124 / hRank533 / Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University

158.Nan Laird / 143687 / 105 / hRank761 / Harvard School of Public Health

159.Émile Durkheim / 143383 / 88 / hRank868 / Université de Bordeaux; La Sorbonne

160.D Diener / 142799 / 139 / hRank309 / University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; University of Washington

161.Napoleone Ferrara / 142566 / 164 / hRank108 / University of California San Diego

162.T W Robbins / 142537 / 216 / hRank16 / University of Cambridge

163.Robert J Barro / 142406 / 113 / hRank673 / Harvard University

164.David M Strom / 142352 / 164 / hRank109 / University of Oregon

165.Charles Robert Darwin / 141883 / 106 / hRank750 /

166.Gregory Hannon / 141832 / 149 / hRank198 / Cambridge University; New York Genome Center; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

167.Richard Frackowiak / 141444 / 193 / hRank39 / University of Lausanne

168.Ronald A Fisher / 141386 / 94 / hRank839 / University College London

169.David S Johnson / 141240 / 95 / hRank828 / Columbia University

170.Lewis Cantley / 140585 / 183 / hRank52 / Weill Cornell Medical College

171.William T Vetterling / 140567 / 41 / hRank991 / ZINK Imaging

172.David Moher / 140237 / 115 / hRank652 / Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

173.Michael W Eysenck / 140107 / 154 / hRank164 / University of Roehampton

174.Leroy Hood / 139972 / 171 / hRank82 / Institute for Systems Biology

175.Joan Massague / 139815 / 179 / hRank59 / Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cencer

176.Clive Granger / 139705 / 105 / hRank762 / University of Nottingham; University of California San Diego

177.Paul Slovic / 139636 / 135 / hRank370 / University of Oregon

178.Robert W Vishny / 139264 / 62 / hRank945 / Chicago Booth

179.David J Hunter / 139263 / 181 / hRank55 / Harvard University

180.John P A Ioannidis / 139238 / 155 / hRank157 / Stanford University

181.Jiawei Han / 138777 / 152 / hRank179 / University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

182.David Bartel / 138746 / 103 / hRank774 / Howard Hughes Medical Institute; MIT; Whitehead Institute

183.Howard Gardner / 138630 / 132 / hRank413 / Harvard University

184.Claude E Shannon / 138557 / 55 / hRank957 / Bell Labs

185.Deborah Cook / 138378 / 159 / hRank129 / McMaster University

186.Rodney Ruoff / 136758 / 139 / hRank310 / Ulsan National University

187.Robert Sternberg / 136576 / 179 / hRank60 / Cornell University

188.Robert S Kaplan # / 136376 / 111 / hRank688 / Harvard Business School

189.Milton Friedman # / 136173 / 101 / hRank790 / University of Chicago

190.Simon Baron Cohen / 136158 / 165 / hRank102 / University of Cambridge

191.Jan Ake Gustafsson / 136142 / 166 / hRank99 / University of Houston

192.James F Sallis / 136007 / 160 / hRank126 / University of California San Diego

193.Steven Salzberg / 135837 / 125 / hRank514 / Johns Hopkins University

194.Elinor Ostrom / 135629 / 132 / hRank414 / Indiana University; Arizona State University

195.Raymond J Dolan / 135330 / 184 / hRank50 / University College London

196.Alberto Mantovani / 134655 / 174 / hRank67 / Istituto Clinico Humanitas; Università degli Studi di Milano

197.Richard Durbin / 134635 / 113 / hRank674 / Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

198.Andrew Ivanov / 134432 / 164 / hRank110 / Kansas State University

199.Mark Newman / 134129 / 92 / hRank852 / University of Michigan

200.Elaine Jaffe / 133603 / 165 / hRank103 / National Cancer Institute NIH

201.Roy Baumeister / 133561 / 153 / hRank173 / University of Queensland; Florida State University

202.K Barry Sharpless / 133548 / 162 / hRank122 / Scripps Research Institute

203.Sudhir Kumar / 133484 / 64 / hRank941 / Temple University

204.Simon Eidelman / 133257 / 133 / hRank406 / Novosibirsk State University

205.Paraskevas Paris Sphicas / 133229 / 172 / hRank75 / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

206.Eric Rimm / 133135 / 188 / hRank47 / Harvard University

207.Mark P Mattson / 132875 / 193 / hRank40 / National Institutes of Health NIH

208.B F Skinner / 132254 / 109 / hRank713 / Harvard University

209.Halil Saka / 132099 / 163 / hRank118 / Rutgers University

210.Mark Granovetter / 131587 / 55 / hRank958 / Stanford University

211.Paul Alivisatos / 130937 / 151 / hRank190 / University of California Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

212.Jean Louis Vincent / 130914 / 149 / hRank199 / Université Libre de Bruxelles

213.Joseph F Hair Jr / 130687 / 59 / hRank950 / University of South Alabama

214.Jeffrey Lieberman / 130598 / 153 / hRank174 / Columbia University

215.Harlan Krumholz / 130324 / 174 / hRank68 / Yale University

216.John Montgomery / 130256 / 49 / hRank972 / University of Connecticut

217.Silvia G Priori / 130097 / 124 / hRank534 / IRCCS Maugeri Fundation; Universitá di Pavia; New York University

218.Donald Truhlar / 129916 / 155 / hRank158 / University of Minnesota

219.Matthias Egger / 129844 / 136 / hRank352 / University of Bern

220.Hiroshi Takeda / 129617 / 135 / hRank371 / Kyoto University

221.Timothy Springer / 129236 / 171 / hRank83 / Harvard Medical School; Childrens Hospital Boston

222.John R Anderson / 128983 / 132 / hRank415 / Carnegie Mellon University

223.Peter M W Gill / 128313 / 72 / hRank922 / Australian National University

224.James S Coleman / 128110 / 73 / hRank916 / University of Chicago

225.Piyali Banerjee / 128095 / 130 / hRank433 / IIT Bombay

226.Jitendra Malik / 127990 / 107 / hRank738 / University of California Berkeley

227.Giovanni Calderini / 127846 / 149 / hRank200 / IN2P3; Universitá di Pisa

228.Talcott Parsons / 127702 / 115 / hRank653 / Harvard University

229.David Altshuler / 127259 / 145 / hRank239 / Harvard University

230.Masahiro Morii / 127221 / 147 / hRank221 / Harvard University

231.Goncalo Abecasis / 126651 / 136 / hRank353 / University of Michigan

232.Chris Sander / 126275 / 147 / hRank222 / Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

233.Douglas Scott / 126202 / 109 / hRank714 / University of British Columbia

234.Michael G Marmot / 125882 / 177 / hRank63 / University College London

235.Andrea Ventura / 125804 / 137 / hRank338 / Università del Salento

236.Douglas Green / 125801 / 163 / hRank119 / St Jude Children’s Research Hospital

237.Stephen V Faraone / 125782 / 184 / hRank51 / SUNY Upstate Medical University

238.Ralph Hruban / 125778 / 180 / hRank58 / Johns Hopkins University

239.Daniel R Weinberger / 125749 / 182 / hRank54 / Lieber Institute for Brain Development

240.Giuseppe Della Ricca / 125671 / 164 / hRank111 / Universita degli Studi di Trieste

241.Jay Barney / 125251 / 78 / hRank900 / University of Utah

242.Tony Hunter / 125048 / 172 / hRank76 / Salk Institute for Biological Studies

243.B Efron / 124384 / 98 / hRank809 / Stanford University

244.Carl Bromberg / 124378 / 156 / hRank147 / Michigan State University

245.Adrian L Harris / 124350 / 172 / hRank77 / Oxford University

246.Stephen Boyd / 124302 / 103 / hRank775 / Stanford University

247.Claudia Patrignani / 124299 / 124 / hRank535 / Università degli Studi di Genova; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

248.George P Chrousos / 124190 / 174 / hRank69 / University of Athens

249.Paul Zimmet / 123870 / 128 / hRank464 / Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute

250.Terrie E Moffitt / 123574 / 164 / hRank112 / Duke University

251.Alessandro Cerri / 123568 / 148 / hRank212 / University of Sussex

252.E N Gazis / 123514 / 138 / hRank322 /

253.G Remuzzi / 123301 / 157 / hRank139 / Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri

254.Vivek A Sharma / 123149 / 161 / hRank124 / University of California San Diego

255.Mike Robb / 123131 / 80 / hRank896 / Imperial College London

256.R H Friend / 122761 / 152 / hRank180 / University of Cambridge

257.Antonio Damasio / 122735 / 99 / hRank802 / University of Southern California

258.Richard Ming Wah Wong / 122566 / 68 / hRank932 / National University of Singapore

259.Robert M May / 122529 / 159 / hRank130 / Oxford University

260.Koichiro Tamura / 122497 / 30 / hRank995 / Tokyo Metropolitan University

261.I Nonaka / 122426 / 74 / hRank912 / Harvard Business Review

262.J V Ortiz / 122377 / 64 / hRank942 / Auburn University

263.Michael I Jordan / 122267 / 138 / hRank323 / University of California Berkeley

264.Frank Filthaut / 122060 / 143 / hRank264 / Universitair Hoofddocent; Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

265.Stephen W Hawking / 121875 / 116 / hRank641 / University of Cambridge

266.W Taylor / 121750 / 158 / hRank135 / York University Toronto

267.Joao Guimaraes da Costa / 121578 / 153 / hRank175 / Harvard University

268.David J Teece / 121038 / 99 / hRank803 / University of California Berkeley

269.Eric Torrence / 120922 / 152 / hRank181 / University of Oregon

270.Douglass C North / 120759 / 86 / hRank879 / Washington University in St Louis

271.Robert R McCrae / 120106 / 136 / hRank354 /

272.Alexei V Filippenko / 120014 / 144 / hRank252 / University of California Berkeley

273.Chad Mirkin / 119986 / 155 / hRank159 / Northwestern University

274.Klaus Honscheid / 119946 / 135 / hRank372 / Ohio State University

275.David Tilman / 119801 / 148 / hRank213 / University of Minnesota

276.Joseph Schlessinger / 119794 / 171 / hRank84 / Yale University

277.Weitao Yang / 119499 / 78 / hRank901 / Duke University

278.John Cacioppo / 119417 / 143 / hRank265 / University of Chicago

279.Paul Costa / 118718 / 141 / hRank285 / Duke University

280.Scott Shenker / 118675 / 143 / hRank266 / University of California Berkeley

281.Marcus E Raichle / 118479 / 156 / hRank148 / Washington University in St Louis

282.Krzysztof Matyjaszewski / 118362 / 168 / hRank91 / Carnegie Mellon University

283.Rolph Anderson / 118191 / 45 / hRank984 / Drexel University

284.Steven R Cummings / 118191 / 165 / hRank104 / CPMC Research Institute; University of California San Francisco

285.Gene Myers / 118172 / 62 / hRank946 / Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology & Genetics

286.Peidong Yang / 118067 / 157 / hRank140 / University of California Berkeley

287.Darien Wood / 117671 / 146 / hRank231 / Northeastern University

288.M Saleem / 117299 / 137 / hRank339 / University of Oklahoma; CERN; UCO

289.Bernard Bass / 117294 / 86 / hRank880 / Binghamton University

290.Stephen R Bloom / 117252 / 164 / hRank113 / Imperial College London

291.M A K Halliday / 117147 / 96 / hRank821 / University of Sydney

292.Michael I Posner / 117126 / 138 / hRank324 / University of Oregon

293.Alan Evans / 116589 / 173 / hRank71 / McGill University

294.Andrew Zisserman / 116396 / 133 / hRank407 / Oxford University

295.Justin Albert / 116280 / 156 / hRank149 / University of Victoria

296.Frank J Gonzalez / 116156 / 167 / hRank96 / National Cancer Institute NIH

297.Gregg L Semenza / 116151 / 157 / hRank141 / Johns Hopkins University

298.Andreas Warburton / 116047 / 155 / hRank160 / McGill University

299.Luigi Ferrucci / 115798 / 158 / hRank136 / National Institute on Aging NIH

300.K Bloom / 115725 / 145 / hRank240 / University of Nebraska Lincoln

301.Giovanni Marchiori / 115521 / 136 / hRank355 / IN2P3

302.Tomas Hökfelt / 115211 / 170 / hRank88 / Karolinska Institute

303.Jeffrey Ullman / 115179 / 106 / hRank751 / Stanford University

304.Paul Ekman / 114940 / 116 / hRank642 /

305.Jordan Nash / 114897 / 144 / hRank253 / Monash University

306.Ralph Weissleder / 113896 / 168 / hRank92 / Massachusetts General Hospital

307.Douglas Easton / 113725 / 159 / hRank131 / University of Cambridge

308.Clara Troncon / 113724 / 137 / hRank340 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

309.Xiaosong Li / 113577 / 36 / hRank993 / University of Washington

310.Jonathan D Jones / 113478 / 142 / hRank277 / Sainsbury Lab

311.David A Kenny / 113468 / 87 / hRank876 / University of Connecticut

312.U K Yang / 113407 / 142 / hRank278 / Seoul National University

313.Jean Tirole / 113385 / 126 / hRank499 / Toulouse School of Economics

314.Harold Mooney / 113314 / 145 / hRank241 / Stanford University

315.Alberto Ruiz Jimeno / 113215 / 143 / hRank267 / Universidad de Cantabria

316.Patrizia Azzi / 113073 / 154 / hRank165 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

317.Barry Babin / 113034 / 53 / hRank961 / Louisiana Tech University

318.Alan D Lopez / 112880 / 111 / hRank689 / University of Melbourne

319.Wing To / 112715 / 146 / hRank232 / Case Western Reserve University

320.Omar Yaghi / 112628 / 126 / hRank500 / University of California Berkeley

321.Adi Gazdar / 112541 / 164 / hRank114 / University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

322.Bruce Yabsley / 112494 / 137 / hRank341 / University of Sydney

323.Stefano Giagu / 112410 / 138 / hRank325 / Sapienza Università di Roma

324.Ronald L Rivest / 112316 / 89 / hRank864 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

325.Benjamin Brau / 112209 / 139 / hRank311 / University of Massachusetts Amherst

326.John R Searle / 112193 / 95 / hRank829 / University of California Berkeley

327.Deborah Estrin / 112192 / 121 / hRank576 / Cornell University; NYC Tech

328.Stephen R Forrest / 112162 / 149 / hRank201 / University of Michigan

329.S L Zang / 112146 / 130 / hRank434 / Nanjing University

330.Richard A Posner / 112065 / 140 / hRank297 / University of Chicago

331.Ross Levine / 112003 / 101 / hRank791 / University of California Berkeley

332.Viktor N Staroverov / 111914 / 43 / hRank988 / University of Western Ontario

333.Fred D Davis / 111894 / 38 / hRank992 / Texas Tech University

334.Colin Mathers / 111858 / 92 / hRank853 / World Health Organization

335.Brian Foster / 111825 / 101 / hRank792 / University of Hamburg; DESY

336.Matt Challacombe / 111647 / 57 / hRank952 / on-ness inc

337.Julian Higgins / 111542 / 93 / hRank844 / University of Bristol

338.Nicolo de Groot / 111249 / 141 / hRank286 / Radboud University Nijmegen

339.Jeffrey Pfeffer / 111247 / 106 / hRank752 / Stanford University

340.Joe Felsenstein / 111089 / 72 / hRank923 / University of Washington

341.Richard L Martin / 110591 / 93 / hRank845 / Los Alamos National Laboratory

342.Ralph DeFronzo / 110420 / 151 / hRank191 / University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio

343.Daniel Claes / 110409 / 139 / hRank312 / University of Nebraska Lincoln

344.Duncan Carlsmith / 110302 / 154 / hRank166 / University of Wisconsin Madison

345.Jose Ocariz / 109998 / 145 / hRank242 / LPNHE IN2P3; Université Paris Diderot

346.Asiri Nanayakkara / 109925 / 52 / hRank967 / Institute of Fundamental Studies

347.Albert Einstein / 109877 / 108 / hRank726 / Institute of Advanced Studies Princeton

348.Paul A Samuelson / 109862 / 109 / hRank715 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

349.Charles M Perou / 109828 / 117 / hRank628 / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

350.Didier Raoult / 109695 / 151 / hRank192 / Aix Marseille Université; AP-HM CHU Timone

351.Terrence Sejnowski / 109613 / 144 / hRank254 / Francis Crick Institute; Salk Institute for Biological Studies; University of California San Diego

352.David R Matthews / 109563 / 88 / hRank869 / University of Oxford

353.Michelangelo Mangano / 109539 / 129 / hRank444 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

354.Lam Ching Wan / 109296 / 131 / hRank423 / University of Hong Kong

355.Paul Jackson / 109210 / 136 / hRank356 / University of Adelaide

356.Francesco Ragusa / 109054 / 128 / hRank465 /

357.Marco Marra / 108930 / 126 / hRank501 / BC Cancer Agency; University of British Columbia

358.Hrant P Hratchian / 108905 / 36 / hRank994 / University of California Merced

359.Russel J Reiter / 108704 / 160 / hRank127 / University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio

360.R Bagozzi / 108631 / 103 / hRank776 / University of Michigan

361.Dipanwita Dutta / 108622 / 142 / hRank279 / Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

362.Bharat B Aggarwal / 108616 / 172 / hRank78 / University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

363.Richard Thaler / 108607 / 92 / hRank854 / University of Chicago, Booth School of Business

364.Lorenzo Bellagamba / 108326 / 121 / hRank577 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Bologna

365.Roger Moore / 108270 / 140 / hRank298 / University of Alberta

366.Craig Rogers / 108166 / 111 / hRank690 / Henry Ford Hospital

367.Zena Werb / 108013 / 158 / hRank137 / University of California San Francisco

368.John Yates / 107953 / 164 / hRank115 / Scripps Research Institute

369.Ronald Lipton / 107904 / 138 / hRank326 / Fermilab Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

370.A John Rush / 107657 / 141 / hRank287 / Duke National University of Singapore

371.John von Neumann / 107592 / 91 / hRank857 / Princeton University

372.Rakesh Agrawal / 107524 / 98 / hRank810 / Microsoft Research

373.Jean Marie Tarascon / 107355 / 132 / hRank416 / College de France

374.Jonathan D Cohen / 106931 / 124 / hRank536 / Princeton University

375.Philip Cohen / 106890 / 153 / hRank176 / University of Dundee

376.Ian T Foster / 106532 / 122 / hRank566 / University of Chicago; Argonne National Laboratory

377.Jean Frechet / 106488 / 165 / hRank105 / King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

378.Hari Balakrishnan / 106447 / 103 / hRank777 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

379.Y Eugene Chen / 106334 / 135 / hRank373 / University of Michigan

380.Evan Eichler / 106257 / 137 / hRank342 / University of Washington

381.Michael Tomasello / 106239 / 159 / hRank132 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

382.Akihisa Inoue / 105830 / 137 / hRank343 / Josai International University

383.Jeffrey Sachs / 105807 / 135 / hRank374 /

384.Luca Lista / 105661 / 139 / hRank313 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

385.Dennis W Dickson / 105624 / 159 / hRank133 / Mayo Clinic

386.Masahiko Hada / 105616 / 45 / hRank985 / Tokyo Metropolitan University

387.Benoît B Mandelbrot / 105586 / 90 / hRank861 / IBM; Yale University

388.J Ellison / 105434 / 136 / hRank357 / University of California Riverside

389.William Dietz / 105392 / 106 / hRank753 /

390.Carl Cotman / 105337 / 163 / hRank120 / University of California Irvine

391.Bernd Stelzer / 105334 / 136 / hRank358 / Simon Fraser University

392.Reinhard Schwienhorst / 105056 / 134 / hRank389 / Michigan State University

393.Gabriella Pasztor / 105022 / 122 / hRank567 / University of Geneva

394.Peter Carmeliet / 104689 / 152 / hRank182 / Universiteit van Leuven VIB

395.Markku Laakso / 104673 / 145 / hRank243 / University of Eastern Finland

396.Ad Bax / 104656 / 144 / hRank255 / NIDDK NIH

397.John Minna / 104590 / 167 / hRank97 / University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

398.Geoffrey Burnstock / 104541 / 143 / hRank268 / University College London

399.Russell Tracy / 104536 / 139 / hRank314 / University of Vermont

400.Bernhard Schölkopf / 104367 / 114 / hRank664 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

401.Kalyanmoy Deb / 104205 / 104 / hRank768 / Michigan State University

402.Jeffrey Cummings / 103983 / 156 / hRank150 / Cleveland Clinic

403.Jack Strominger / 103911 / 156 / hRank151 / Harvard University

404.Klaus Schulten / 103891 / 144 / hRank256 / University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

405.Gilvan Augusto Alves / 103749 / 136 / hRank359 / Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas

406.K M Narayan / 103533 / 121 / hRank578 / Emory University

407.Karlheinz Meier / 103504 / 134 / hRank390 / Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

408.Rury R Holman / 103458 / 101 / hRank793 / NIHR Oxford Bio- medical Research Centre

409.Matt Dobbs / 103451 / 98 / hRank811 / McGill University

410.S L Lloyd / 103072 / 128 / hRank466 / Queen Mary University of London

411.Daron Acemoglu / 102879 / 119 / hRank612 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

412.Anthony Cerami / 102829 / 153 / hRank177 / Rockefeller University; Araim Pharmaceuticals

413.Michael E Greenberg / 102613 / 135 / hRank375 / Harvard University

414.Panos Deloukas / 102568 / 120 / hRank596 / Queen Mary University of London

415.Alejandro Portes / 102438 / 114 / hRank665 / Princeton University

416.Ramon Miquel / 102355 / 108 / hRank727 / Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies Barcelona

417.Cyrus Cooper / 102344 / 157 / hRank142 / University of Southampton; Oxford University; Mayo Clinic

418.Akira Fujishima / 102329 / 124 / hRank537 / Tokyo University of Science

419.Stephen J Gould / 102311 / 131 / hRank424 /

420.Juan Suarez González / 102282 / 127 / hRank482 / Belarusian State University

421.George Weinstock / 102054 / 96 / hRank822 / Jackson Laboratory

422.Jack Dongarra / 101922 / 124 / hRank538 / University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; University of Manchester

423.John Stuart Mill / 101880 / 83 / hRank886 / University of St Andrews

424.Carl Folke / 101778 / 121 / hRank579 / Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

425.Hans Ulrich Wittchen / 101548 / 145 / hRank244 / Technische Universitaet Dresden

426.Takeo Kanade / 101521 / 144 / hRank257 / Carnegie Mellon University

427.Carlo La Vecchia / 101273 / 145 / hRank245 / Università degli Studi di Milano

428.Sotirios Vlachos / 101238 / 123 / hRank551 /

429.G F Susinno / 101222 / 134 / hRank391 / University of Geneva; CERN

430.H Erich Wichmann / 101153 / 159 / hRank134 / Helmholtz Zentrum München; LMU München

431.Nicholas A Peppas / 101136 / 149 / hRank202 / University of Texas at Austin

432.Friedrich Hayek / 101131 / 109 / hRank716 / LSE; University of Chicago; University of Freiburg

433.Oleg Yazyev / 101018 / 57 / hRank953 / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

434.Ewan Birney / 100997 / 99 / hRank804 / European Molecular Biology Laboratory; European Institute of Bioinformatics

435.Roger J Davis / 100798 / 146 / hRank233 / Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Molecular Medicine

436.Walter W Powell / 100723 / 67 / hRank936 / Stanford University

437.Srinivasan Iyengar / 100605 / 49 / hRank973 / Indiana University

438.William A Goddard / 100563 / 136 / hRank360 / California Institute of Technology

439.Gerasimos Filippatos / 100376 / 86 / hRank881 / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Attikon Hospital

440.Giacomo Rizzolatti / 100364 / 123 / hRank552 / University of Parma

441.M H Criqui / 100359 / 127 / hRank483 / University of California San Diego

442.Richard E Mayer / 100346 / 130 / hRank435 / University of California Santa Barbara

443.Gerald M Rubin / 100287 / 145 / hRank246 / Howard Hughes Medical Institute

444.Giovanni Busetto / 100237 / 150 / hRank194 / Università di Padova

445.Leo Breiman 1928 2005 / 100132 / 50 / hRank970 / UC Berkeley

446.Tim D Spector / 100016 / 156 / hRank152 / King’s College London

447.Julia Velkovska / 99983 / 129 / hRank445 / Vanderbilt University

448.Stephen Holgate / 99791 / 154 / hRank167 / University of Southampton

449.Sheldon Stone / 99607 / 117 / hRank629 / Syracuse University

450.Yi Cui / 99576 / 143 / hRank269 / Stanford University

451.Francesco Crescioli / 99562 / 134 / hRank392 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Pisa

452.Carlos Frenk / 99551 / 134 / hRank393 / Durham University

453.Mark Gerstein / 99257 / 148 / hRank214 / Yale University

454.Janet M Thornton / 99213 / 129 / hRank446 / European Molecular Biology Laboratory; European Institute of Bioinformatics

455.Douglas C Montgomery / 99196 / 78 / hRank902 / Arizona State University

456.Lev Dudko / 99164 / 134 / hRank394 / Moscow State University

457.James Pinfold / 99064 / 135 / hRank376 / University of Alberta

458.Fabrizio Palla / 99007 / 135 / hRank377 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

459.Byungsik Hong / 98963 / 137 / hRank344 / Korea University

460.J L Rodriguez / 98917 / 130 / hRank436 / Florida International University

461.Robin M Murray / 98868 / 157 / hRank143 / King’s College London

462.Bruce Avolio / 98734 / 114 / hRank666 / University of Washington

463.Charles S Carver / 98704 / 117 / hRank630 / University of Miami

464.Marshal Folstein / 98667 / 81 / hRank891 /

465.Jinghui Zhang / 98552 / 57 / hRank954 / St Jude Children’s Research Hospital

466.Gagan Mohanty / 98454 / 135 / hRank378 / Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

467.George A Wells / 98414 / 156 / hRank153 / University of Ottawa

468.Richard S Ellis / 98389 / 147 / hRank223 / California Institute of Technology

469.R B Haynes / 98357 / 104 / hRank769 / McMaster University

470.Haijun Yang / 98052 / 135 / hRank379 / Shanghai Jiao Tong University

471.George Bakris / 98008 / 111 / hRank691 / University of Chicago

472.S Osher / 97987 / 107 / hRank739 / University of California Los Angeles

473.Eduard de la Cruz Burelo / 97943 / 125 / hRank515 / CINVESTAV IPN

474.Rob Knight / 97940 / 129 / hRank447 / University of California San Diego; HHMI; CU Boulder

475.Thomas Saaty / 97853 / 91 / hRank858 /

476.Juan Jose Hernandez Rey / 97818 / 86 / hRank882 / Instituto de Física Corpuscular CSIC University of Valencia

477.Emil Wolf / 97817 / 93 / hRank846 / University of Rochester

478.Karl Swedberg / 97698 / 128 / hRank467 /

479.Wilmar Schaufeli / 97696 / 134 / hRank395 / Utrecht University

480.Michael Manns / 97545 / 147 / hRank224 / Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

481.Si Xie / 97503 / 121 / hRank580 / California Institute of Technology

482.Saptaparna Bhattacharya / 97420 / 109 / hRank717 / Northwestern University

483.David Schlegel / 97330 / 122 / hRank568 / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

484.Joseph LeDoux / 96871 / 138 / hRank327 / New York University

485.Elliott Cheu / 96713 / 127 / hRank484 / University of Arizona

486.Richard E Petty / 96656 / 125 / hRank516 / Ohio State University

487.William Greene / 96498 / 75 / hRank909 / Stern School of Business NYU

488.Mario Paolo Giordani / 96490 / 135 / hRank380 / Università degli Studi di Udine; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

489.P M Ajayan / 96476 / 145 / hRank247 / Rice University

490.Josef Coresh / 96400 / 134 / hRank396 / Johns Hopkins University

491.Olgierd Zienkiewicz / 96359 / 121 / hRank581 / Swansea University

492.Moungi Bawendi / 95936 / 143 / hRank270 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

493.Fernando Barreiro / 95880 / 127 / hRank485 / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

494.Dani Rodrik / 95738 / 126 / hRank502 / Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton

495.Fraser Stoddart / 95603 / 146 / hRank234 / Northwestern University

496.Sandro De Cecco / 95574 / 132 / hRank417 / Université Diderot Paris7; LPNHE Paris

497.Michael Phelps / 95507 / 157 / hRank144 / University of California Los Angeles

498.Maria Elena Pol / 95459 / 130 / hRank437 / Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas

499.Paolo Laurelli / 95358 / 126 / hRank503 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

500.Ronald Harry Coase / 95332 / 56 / hRank955 / University of Chicago

501.Tobin Marks / 95306 / 150 / hRank195 / Northwestern University

502.Markus Klute / 95115 / 129 / hRank448 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

503.Marc Kirschner / 95096 / 154 / hRank168 / Harvard Medical School

504.Nahum Sonenberg / 95047 / 163 / hRank121 / McGill University

505.Nicholas White / 94987 / 155 / hRank161 / Mahidol University; Oxford University

506.Sergey Kuleshov / 94980 / 128 / hRank468 / Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

507.P Gabriel Steg / 94966 / 122 / hRank569 / Université Paris 7 Diderot Sorbonne Paris-Cité

508.Ibahim Haddadi / 94799 / 87 / hRank877 /

509.Oana Vickey Boeriu / 94734 / 117 / hRank631 / University of Sheffield

510.Sean R Eddy / 94682 / 78 / hRank903 / Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Harvard University

511.Douglas M Gingrich / 94677 / 128 / hRank469 / University of Alberta

512.Lucia Silvestris / 94653 / 129 / hRank449 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

513.Stuart Orkin / 94519 / 174 / hRank70 / Harvard University

514.Saverio D’Auria / 94238 / 124 / hRank539 / University of Glasgow

515.Shaoping Li / 94104 / 122 / hRank570 / Western Digital Inc

516.Philippe Froguel / 94028 / 146 / hRank235 / Imperial College London; CNRS

517.Edward L Wright / 93986 / 90 / hRank862 / University of California Los Angeles

518.Mark McCarthy / 93974 / 140 / hRank299 / University of Oxford

519.C N R Rao # / 93951 / 138 / hRank328 / Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

520.Peter Salovey / 93938 / 111 / hRank692 / Yale University

521.Martin Blaser / 93856 / 147 / hRank225 / New York University School of Medicine

522.Ian F Akyildiz / 93845 / 107 / hRank740 / Georgia Institute of Technology

523.Mostafa A El Sayed / 93681 / 112 / hRank682 / Georgia Institute of Technology

524.Alan Bryman / 93606 / 73 / hRank917 /

525.Shelley E Taylor / 93541 / 123 / hRank553 / University of California Los Angeles

526.David Bates / 93491 / 139 / hRank315 / Harvard Medical School

527.Thomas D Schmittgen / 93321 / 44 / hRank987 / University of Florida

528.Francesco Fabozzi / 93309 / 129 / hRank450 / Università della Basilicata; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Napoli

529.Linus Pauling / 93065 / 111 / hRank693 / California Institute of Technology

530.Cass Sunstein / 93006 / 139 / hRank316 / Harvard University

531.Richard J Davidson / 92757 / 152 / hRank183 / University of Wisconsin Madison

532.Sidney G Winter / 92750 / 74 / hRank913 / Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

533.Dongchul Son / 92729 / 128 / hRank470 / Kyungpook National University

534.Slavoj Zizek / 92686 / 112 / hRank683 / Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

535.Stewart Wolmark / 92632 / 121 / hRank582 /

536.John S Bell / 92571 / 82 / hRank888 / CERN

537.Nicola Cavallo / 92483 / 129 / hRank451 / Università degli Studi della Basilicata

538.Sheldon Cohen / 92388 / 108 / hRank728 / Carnegie Mellon University

539.Adam Torbicki / 92252 / 75 / hRank910 / Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego

540.Peter E Hart / 92098 / 53 / hRank962 /

541.Paolo Giacomelli / 92072 / 128 / hRank471 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

542.Kieron Burke / 91976 / 55 / hRank959 / University of California Irvine

543.Herbert W Marsh / 91966 / 149 / hRank203 / Australian Catholic University; Oxford University

544.Michele Livan / 91960 / 129 / hRank452 /

545.Vishva Dixit / 91946 / 143 / hRank271 / Genentech Inc

546.Franco Ligabue / 91911 / 129 / hRank453 / Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

547.Florencia Canelli / 91904 / 136 / hRank361 / Universität Zürich

548.Richard Young / 91820 / 149 / hRank204 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

549.Claes Fornell / 91816 / 53 / hRank963 / University of Michigan

550.Elhanan Helpman / 91781 / 80 / hRank897 / Harvard University

551.David Watson / 91738 / 93 / hRank847 / University of Notre Dame

552.Stephen Carpenter / 91538 / 124 / hRank540 / University of Wisconsin Madison

553.Giulio Usai / 91358 / 128 / hRank472 / University of Texas at Arlington

554.Nicholas G Martin / 91309 / 147 / hRank226 / QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

555.Marco Dorigo / 91279 / 94 / hRank840 / Université Libre de Bruxelles

556.Kenneth P Burnham / 91224 / 79 / hRank898 / Colorado State University

557.Emilio Meschi / 91106 / 134 / hRank397 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

558.Jan Staessen / 91069 / 127 / hRank486 / KU University of Leuven

559.Jacquelynne Sue Eccles / 91032 / 136 / hRank362 / University of California Irvine

560.Aran Garcia Bellido / 91025 / 125 / hRank517 / University of Rochester

561.Kypros H Nicolaides / 90981 / 147 / hRank227 / King’s College London

562.Harinder Singh Bawa / 90862 / 118 / hRank624 / California State University Fresno

563.Calin Alexa / 90815 / 127 / hRank487 / IFIN-HH

564.Gerald I Shulman / 90581 / 149 / hRank205 / Howard Hughes Medical Institute

565.Jean Bousquet / 90556 / 143 / hRank272 / INSERM

566.Jeremy Grimshaw / 90537 / 103 / hRank778 / Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

567.Jeffrey S Flier / 90513 / 148 / hRank215 / Harvard University

568.Paulus Kirchhof / 90513 / 81 / hRank892 / University of Birmingham

569.Don Norman / 90429 / 89 / hRank865 / University of California San Diego

570.John Pendry / 90417 / 105 / hRank763 / Imperial College London

571.Tomaso Poggio / 90365 / 127 / hRank488 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

572.Emmanuel Candes / 90288 / 77 / hRank906 / Stanford University

573.Gordon Mills / 90097 / 144 / hRank258 / University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

574.Prolay Mal / 89946 / 119 / hRank613 / National Institute of Science Education and Research Bhubaneswar

575.S F Novaes / 89924 / 129 / hRank454 / Universidade Estadual Paulista

576.Ronald A DePinho / 89911 / 154 / hRank169 / University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

577.Guido Tonelli / 89864 / 132 / hRank418 / Universitat de Pisa

578.F Stuart Chapin III / 89846 / 126 / hRank504 / University of Alaska Fairbanks

579.Thomas J R Hughes / 89814 / 135 / hRank381 / University of Texas at Austin

580.Norman Fairclough / 89763 / 64 / hRank943 / University of Lancaster

581.Marcel Vos / 89730 / 123 / hRank554 / IFIC Valencia UVEG CSIC

582.Matteo Negrini / 89690 / 120 / hRank597 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Bologna

583.Erez Etzion / 89634 / 122 / hRank571 / Tel Aviv University; CERN

584.Shankar Sastry / 89612 / 110 / hRank705 / University of California Berkeley

585.Lex Bouter / 89515 / 156 / hRank154 / VU University Amsterdam

586.Christof Koch / 89496 / 127 / hRank489 / California Institute of Technology

587.Yiliu Wang / 89378 / 127 / hRank490 / IEEE; Qorvo

588.Jean Marie Lehn / 89337 / 129 / hRank455 / CNRS

589.Roberto Romero / 89336 / 140 / hRank300 / NICHD NIH

590.Kenneth A Dodge / 89167 / 140 / hRank301 / Duke University

591.Pratap Chandra Behera / 89133 / 126 / hRank505 / University of Delhi

592.John Rothwell / 88883 / 158 / hRank138 / University College London

593.Nicholas Wareham / 88881 / 148 / hRank216 / University of Cambridge

594.Isidro González Caballero / 88749 / 108 / hRank729 / Universidad de Oviedo

595.Bart De Moor / 88736 / 127 / hRank491 / KU University of Leuven

596.Martin Nowak / 88631 / 132 / hRank419 / Harvard University

597.Gabriel Nuñez / 88625 / 141 / hRank288 / University of Michigan

598.Jyothsna Komaragiri Shroff / 88615 / 128 / hRank473 /

599.C Wright Mills / 88554 / 65 / hRank940 / Columbia University

600.David Culler / 88539 / 117 / hRank632 / University of California Berkeley

601.Paul Thompson / 88458 / 137 / hRank345 / University of Southern California

602.Teun A Van Dijk / 88449 / 110 / hRank706 / Pompeu Fabra University

603.Gunnar von Heijne / 88291 / 116 / hRank643 / Stockholm University

604.Daniel L Schacter / 88244 / 147 / hRank228 / Harvard University

605.Meroni Pier Luigi / 88229 / 126 / hRank506 /

606.Joel Schwartz / 88141 / 167 / hRank98 / Harvard School of Public Health

607.Joseph Loscalzo / 87930 / 125 / hRank518 / Harvard Medical School

608.Bert W O’Malley / 87852 / 149 / hRank206 / Baylor College of Medicine

609.Ronald Inglehart / 87790 / 96 / hRank823 / University of Michigan

610.Frederick Wolfe / 87694 / 121 / hRank583 / University of Kansas

611.Mark Johnson / 87684 / 46 / hRank981 / University of Oregon

612.Yuri Tikhonov / 87579 / 128 / hRank474 / Novosibirsk State University; Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

613.Sandra Leone / 87578 / 142 / hRank280 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

614.Dan Littman / 87576 / 140 / hRank302 / New York University

615.Francisco Varela / 87509 / 102 / hRank788 / CNRS

616.Nadia Rega / 87464 / 50 / hRank971 / University of Napoli Federico II

617.Richard Lipton # / 87350 / 152 / hRank184 / Albert Einstein College of Medicine

618.Peter J Schwartz / 87336 / 135 / hRank382 / IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano

619.William Sandborn / 87325 / 144 / hRank259 / University of California San Diego

620.Tatsuo Kawai / 87314 / 108 / hRank730 / Harvard Medical School

621.Richard Lipton / 87308 / 152 / hRank185 / Albert Einstein College of Medicine

622.Jacob Israelachvili / 87160 / 115 / hRank654 / University of California Santa Barbara

623.Andre Sznajder / 87149 / 128 / hRank475 / Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

624.Sebastien Viret / 87047 / 108 / hRank731 / CNRS; IN2P3

625.Timothy Heckman / 86972 / 138 / hRank329 / Johns Hopkins University

626.Gabriele Benelli / 86966 / 129 / hRank456 / University of Kansas

627.Sylvie Braibant / 86942 / 126 / hRank507 / Università di Bologna

628.Eram Rizvi / 86940 / 137 / hRank346 / Queen Mary University of London

629.James O Prochaska / 86842 / 105 / hRank764 / Cancer Prevention Research Center

630.Eduardo de Moraes Gregores / 86787 / 126 / hRank508 / Universidade Federal do ABC

631.Sergio Verdu / 86742 / 77 / hRank907 / Princeton University

632.Jonas Strandberg / 86720 / 124 / hRank541 / Royal Institute of Technology

633.Michael B Eisen / 86699 / 72 / hRank924 / University of California Berkeley

634.Ya Ju Lee / 86654 / 112 / hRank684 / Institute of Electro-Optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal

635.Kyle Cranmer / 86628 / 122 / hRank572 / New York University

636.Kai Simons / 86604 / 140 / hRank303 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

637.Philip S Yu / 86562 / 139 / hRank317 / University of Illinois at Chicago

638.Simonetta Gentile / 86338 / 112 / hRank685 / Universita Sapienza

639.Stephane Mallat / 86322 / 59 / hRank951 / École Normale Supérieure

640.Alberto Santoro / 86268 / 128 / hRank476 / Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

641.Anthony Evans / 86203 / 145 / hRank248 / University of California Santa Barbara

642.Antonietti Markus / 86107 / 156 / hRank155 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

643.Alex Smola / 86003 / 99 / hRank805 / Carnegie Mellon University

644.Sergio Navas / 85934 / 70 / hRank928 / Universidad de Granada

645.Jonathan Hays / 85903 / 123 / hRank555 / Queen Mary University of London

646.A Jamil Tajik / 85869 / 150 / hRank196 /

647.Peter Hall / 85754 / 128 / hRank477 / University of Melbourne

648.Joseph Wang / 85696 / 143 / hRank273 / New Mexico State University; Arizona State University; Technion; University of California San Diego

649.Thomas M Achenbach / 85686 / 98 / hRank812 / University of Vermont

650.Paul DiMaggio / 85659 / 66 / hRank938 / Princeton University

651.Dimitris Loukas / 85601 / 120 / hRank598 / NCSR Demokritos

652.Antonio Lanzavecchia / 85469 / 125 / hRank519 / ETH Zurich

653.James Engel / 85435 / 78 / hRank904 / University of Michigan

654.Peter R Hobson / 85435 / 127 / hRank492 / Brunel University

655.Jeanne Brooks Gunn / 85418 / 146 / hRank236 / Columbia University

656.Roger Barlow / 85241 / 135 / hRank383 / University of Huddersfield

657.Gillian Knapp / 85175 / 122 / hRank573 / Princeton University

658.Fabrizio Fabbri / 85166 / 123 / hRank556 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Bologna

659.David Spergel / 85105 / 108 / hRank732 / Princeton University

660.Dariush Mozaffarian / 85103 / 101 / hRank794 / Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy

661.Martijn Mulders / 85080 / 123 / hRank557 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

662.Alberto Masoni / 85056 / 91 / hRank859 / Dirigente di Ricerca INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

663.Stylianos E Antonarakis / 85017 / 131 / hRank425 / Université de Genève

664.Subir Sarkar / 85007 / 93 / hRank848 / University of Oxford; Niels Bohr Copenhagen University

665.Pietro Faccioli / 85003 / 111 / hRank694 / LIP Lisbon, IST Lisbon; CERN

666.Paul W Armstrong / 84967 / 118 / hRank625 / University of Alberta

667.Tiziano Camporesi / 84935 / 121 / hRank584 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

668.Michael O’Keeffe / 84914 / 101 / hRank795 /

669.Xavier Espinal Curull / 84836 / 128 / hRank478 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

670.Kenneth Rogoff / 84823 / 95 / hRank830 / Harvard University

671.Alejandro Schaffer / 84634 / 68 / hRank933 / National Institutes of Health NIH

672.Christopher B Field / 84472 / 125 / hRank520 / Carnegie Institution

673.Giacomo Bruno / 84417 / 127 / hRank493 / Université Catholique de Louvain

674.Antonio Ereditato # / 84359 / 118 / hRank626 / University of Bern

675.Jean Pierre Changeux / 84342 / 144 / hRank260 / Pasteur Institute

676.Danforth Miller / 84334 / 120 / hRank599 / Novartis Pharmaceuticals

677.John Morley / 84327 / 145 / hRank249 / Saint Louis University

678.Shigekazu Nagata / 84327 / 124 / hRank542 / Kyoto University

679.Helmut Sies / 84303 / 135 / hRank384 / Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

680.Christopher Dobson / 84283 / 140 / hRank304 / University of Cambridge

681.Steven G Louie / 84220 / 139 / hRank318 / University of California Berkeley

682.Stephen M Smith / 84211 / 97 / hRank815 / FMRIB Centre, Oxford University

683.René S Kahn / 84199 / 136 / hRank363 / University Medical Center Utrecht

684.Jean Luc Bredas / 84160 / 133 / hRank408 / King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

685.Tulika Bose / 84078 / 125 / hRank521 / Boston University

686.Richard M Lerner / 84015 / 95 / hRank831 / Tufts University

687.Owen White / 84008 / 90 / hRank863 / University of Maryland

688.Alexander Belyaev / 83984 / 129 / hRank457 / University of Southampton

689.Anders M Dale / 83956 / 125 / hRank522 / University of California San Diego

690.I Kawachi / 83918 / 142 / hRank281 / Harvard University

691.Giuseppe Bagliesi / 83914 / 123 / hRank558 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

692.Thomas L Madden / 83731 / 30 / hRank996 / NCBI NLM NIH

693.Hirokazu Ishino / 83670 / 126 / hRank509 / Okayama University; Tokyo Institute; University of Tokyo

694.Paul R Ehrlich / 83640 / 137 / hRank347 / Stanford University

695.Russell Betts / 83631 / 127 / hRank494 / Illinois Institute of Technology

696.Alex Zunger / 83614 / 132 / hRank420 / University of Colorado Boulder

697.Jonathan W Lee / 83580 / 111 / hRank695 / Sandia National Laboratories

698.David H Barlow / 83569 / 130 / hRank438 / Boston University

699.Stanislas Dehaene / 83528 / 139 / hRank319 / Collège de France

700.Richard Feynman / 83520 / 60 / hRank949 / California Institute of Technology

701.Thomas Koffas / 83515 / 106 / hRank754 / Carleton University

702.Roberto Di Nardo / 83471 / 104 / hRank770 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

703.Tim Bollerslev / 83452 / 79 / hRank899 / Duke University

704.Colin Louis Masters / 83432 / 135 / hRank385 / University of Melbourne

705.George Calin / 83379 / 108 / hRank733 / University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

706.Francisco Yumiceva / 83354 / 125 / hRank523 / Florida Institute of Technology

707.P Kolh / 83343 / 47 / hRank979 / Université de Liège

708.Linda Darling Hammond / 83338 / 128 / hRank479 / Stanford University

709.Jens K Norskov / 83327 / 142 / hRank282 / Stanford University

710.Andrew Y Ng / 83326 / 108 / hRank734 /

711.Richard Nisbett / 83308 / 96 / hRank824 / University of Michigan

712.Bengt Muthen / 83303 / 96 / hRank825 / Statmodel

713.Rudolph E Tanzi / 83284 / 129 / hRank458 / Harvard Medical School

714.Phaedon Avouris / 83247 / 135 / hRank386 / IBM

715.Paolo Bartalini / 83202 / 121 / hRank585 / Central China Normal University

716.Toyoko J Orimoto / 83180 / 129 / hRank459 / Northeastern University

717.Manuel Cardona / 83117 / 124 / hRank543 / Max Planck Gesellschaft MPG

718.Guanrong Chen / 83113 / 136 / hRank364 / City University of Hong Kong

719.Metin Arik / 83113 / 115 / hRank655 / Bogazici University

720.Farida Fassi / 83089 / 131 / hRank426 / Mohammed V University in Rabat

721.Ted Belytschko / 83066 / 138 / hRank330 / Northwestern University

722.Dimitri Bertsekas / 83056 / 88 / hRank870 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

723.Zhihua Liang / 83053 / 103 / hRank779 /

724.Antonio Amorim / 83015 / 120 / hRank600 / Universidade de Lisboa

725.David Anderson / 83001 / 73 / hRank918 /

726.Alexandre Vaniachine / 82988 / 117 / hRank633 / Argonne National Laboratory

727.James L McClelland / 82959 / 95 / hRank832 / Stanford University

728.Gérald Simonneau / 82933 / 129 / hRank460 /

729.Robert A Baron / 82909 / 131 / hRank427 / Oklahoma State University

730.Kenneth Bollen / 82766 / 78 / hRank905 / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

731.Peter Dalgaard / 82765 / 21 / hRank999 / Copenhagen Business School

732.Michael R Garey / 82611 / 56 / hRank956 /

733.Fedor Ratnikov / 82584 / 120 / hRank601 / High School of Economics Moscow

734.Nicholas Talley / 82548 / 160 / hRank128 / University of Newcastle

735.Lev Pitaevskii / 82521 / 84 / hRank885 / University of Trento; Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems RAS

736.Tommaso Tabarelli de Fatis / 82454 / 119 / hRank614 / Universita di Milano Bicocca

737.Roberto Carlin / 82438 / 124 / hRank544 / Università di Padova

738.Ian H Witten / 82368 / 74 / hRank914 / University of Waikato

739.Tom Bruno / 82362 / 45 / hRank986 / NIST

740.Vincenzo Cavasinni / 82288 / 120 / hRank602 / Università di Pisa; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

741.John W Harris / 82285 / 134 / hRank398 / Yale University

742.Robert Plomin / 82283 / 142 / hRank283 / King’s College London

743.Daniel J Rader / 82187 / 136 / hRank365 / University of Pennsylvania

744.Ernest E Moore / 82150 / 134 / hRank399 / Denver Health Medical Center

745.Anna Di Ciaccio / 82134 / 113 / hRank675 / Università Roma Tor Vergata

746.Frank Wilczek / 82071 / 123 / hRank559 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

747.Andrew D Oxman / 82027 / 106 / hRank755 / Norwegian Institute of Public Health

748.Thomas Davenport / 82022 / 85 / hRank883 / Babson College

749.Masahiro Ehara / 81986 / 51 / hRank969 / Institute for Molecular Science

750.Reka Albert / 81980 / 48 / hRank975 / Pennsylvania State University

751.Ted M Dawson / 81976 / 144 / hRank261 / Johns Hopkins University

752.Helmut Wolters / 81953 / 115 / hRank656 / LIP Coimbra

753.Philip Jones / 81948 / 132 / hRank421 / University of East Anglia

754.James Tiedje / 81940 / 141 / hRank289 / Michigan State University

755.Colin Camerer / 81933 / 105 / hRank765 / California Institute of Technology

756.Freya Blekman / 81933 / 120 / hRank603 / Vrije Universiteit Brussel

757.Giorgio Trinchieri # / 81918 / 142 / hRank284 / National Cancer Institute NIH

758.Florencio Lopez de Silanes / 81847 / 48 / hRank976 / EDHEC Business School

759.Marco Paganoni / 81840 / 117 / hRank634 / Università di Milano Bicocca; INFN

760.R Core Team / 81800 / 23 / hRank998 /

761.David F Larcker / 81776 / 69 / hRank930 / Stanford University

762.Tim Hubbard / 81757 / 83 / hRank887 / King’s College London

763.Tiziano Rovelli / 81751 / 115 / hRank657 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Bologna

764.Serkant Ali Çetin / 81670 / 113 / hRank676 / Istanbul Bilgi University

765.John Y Campbell / 81614 / 94 / hRank841 / Harvard University

766.Helio Takai / 81590 / 115 / hRank658 / Brookhaven National Laboratory

767.Sebastian Thrun / 81573 / 134 / hRank400 / Stanford University

768.Adrian Furnham / 81557 / 138 / hRank331 / University College London

769.Panos Razis / 81544 / 116 / hRank644 / University of Cyprus

770.Jaakko Kaprio / 81515 / 141 / hRank290 / University of Helsinki

771.Gad Getz / 81442 / 109 / hRank718 / Broad Institute Harvard MIT

772.George Church / 81374 / 140 / hRank305 / Harvard Medical School

773.Sami Kama / 81370 / 126 / hRank510 / Southern Methodist University

774.Ion Stoica / 81323 / 110 / hRank707 / University of California Berkeley

775.Monique Breteler / 81282 / 145 / hRank250 /

776.David S Brown / 81225 / 128 / hRank480 / University of Colorado

777.Donald Ingber / 81193 / 144 / hRank262 / Harvard University

778.Christophe Delaere / 81145 / 121 / hRank586 / Université Catholique de Louvain

779.Gianluca Alimonti / 81047 / 116 / hRank645 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; Universita’ degli Studi di Milano

780.Justin Smith / 80994 / 102 / hRank789 / Drexel University

781.Jean Pierre Després / 80992 / 131 / hRank428 /

782.Luiz Mundim / 80884 / 125 / hRank524 / Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

783.Joe Gray / 80882 / 126 / hRank511 / Oregon Health and Sciences University

784.Veysi Erkcan Ozcan / 80869 / 128 / hRank481 / Bogazici University

785.Else Lytken / 80845 / 119 / hRank615 / Lund University

786.Michael VonKorff / 80766 / 151 / hRank193 / Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

787.Paolo Francavilla / 80766 / 125 / hRank525 / INFN Pisa

788.Patricia Goldman Rakic / 80666 / 149 / hRank207 / Yale University

789.Zeljko Ivezic / 80650 / 123 / hRank560 / University of Washington

790.Susan Fiske / 80620 / 107 / hRank741 / Princeton University

791.Marko Mikuz / 80610 / 111 / hRank696 / University of Ljubljana; J Stefan Institute

792.David Lowe / 80579 / 48 / hRank977 / Google

793.Nuno Leonardo / 80545 / 124 / hRank545 / CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research

794.Ronald M Krauss / 80534 / 123 / hRank561 / Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute

795.Thomas C Quinn / 80433 / 135 / hRank387 / Johns Hopkins University

796.Dongyuan Zhao / 80426 / 131 / hRank429 / Fudan University

797.Paul Milgrom / 80378 / 73 / hRank919 / Stanford University

798.Martin Sevior / 80359 / 118 / hRank627 / University of Melbourne

799.Guy Salvesen / 80291 / 117 / hRank635 / Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute

800.Dezso Horvath / 80259 / 119 / hRank616 /

801.Prashant Shukla / 80240 / 117 / hRank636 / Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

802.Sascha Caron / 80187 / 117 / hRank637 / Radboud University Nijmegen; Nikhef

803.Endel Tulving / 80164 / 107 / hRank742 / University of Toronto

804.Mary Cushman / 80164 / 107 / hRank743 / University of Vermont

805.J Rouleau / 80163 / 112 / hRank686 / Universite de Montreal

806.Arnold B Bakker / 80160 / 120 / hRank604 / Erasmus University Rotterdam

807.James J Gross / 80052 / 119 / hRank617 / Stanford University

808.Ernst Fehr / 79948 / 103 / hRank780 / Universität Zürich

809.William L Jorgensen / 79870 / 109 / hRank719 / Yale University

810.Vipin Kumar # / 79778 / 107 / hRank744 / University of Minnesota

811.Ronald N Jones / 79669 / 131 / hRank430 / JMI Laboratories

812.Will Brooks / 79664 / 125 / hRank526 / Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

813.Steven H Strogatz / 79632 / 71 / hRank926 / Cornell University

814.Pablo García Abia / 79630 / 115 / hRank659 / Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas CIEMAT

815.Yehuda Shoenfeld / 79576 / 121 / hRank587 / Saint Petersburg State University

816.Laura Fabbri / 79563 / 99 / hRank806 / University of Bologna

817.Bernard Moss / 79523 / 149 / hRank208 / National Institutes of Health NIH

818.Takeuchi Osamu / 79505 / 106 / hRank756 / Kyoto University

819.Edward T Bullmore / 79489 / 146 / hRank237 / University of Cambridge; GlaxoSmithKline

820.J M Hernandez / 79458 / 120 / hRank605 / Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas CIEMAT

821.M K Jha / 79439 / 117 / hRank638 / Purdue University

822.Piotr Zalewski / 79430 / 114 / hRank667 /

823.Chris Ponting / 79400 / 103 / hRank781 / University of Edinburgh

824.Richard M Myers / 79360 / 130 / hRank439 / HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology

825.Iacopo Vivarelli / 79336 / 101 / hRank796 / University of Sussex

826.Jacob Seidell / 79284 / 111 / hRank697 / VU University Amsterdam

827.Stephen A Ross / 79276 / 73 / hRank920 / MIT Sloan School of Management

828.John Canny / 79240 / 70 / hRank929 / University of California Berkeley

829.Wil van der Aalst / 79178 / 134 / hRank401 / Eindhoven University of Technology

830.Alan E Kazdin / 79150 / 136 / hRank366 / Yale University

831.H H J ten Kate / 79137 / 104 / hRank771 / CERN; University of Twente

832.Sanjay Padhi / 79137 / 116 / hRank646 / University of California San Diego; CERN; Brown University

833.Frits Rosendaal / 79134 / 133 / hRank409 / Leiden University Medical Center

834.Jonathan Epstein / 79050 / 137 / hRank348 / Johns Hopkins University

835.Josef Penninger / 78980 / 133 / hRank410 / Austrian Academy of Sciences

836.Antonio Policicchio / 78780 / 98 / hRank813 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

837.Paolo Boffetta / 78732 / 139 / hRank320 / Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

838.Riccardo Di Sipio / 78638 / 99 / hRank807 / University of Bologna; INFN

839.George Loewenstein / 78411 / 119 / hRank618 / Carnegie Mellon University

840.Inder Verma / 78399 / 144 / hRank263 / Salk Institute

841.Hakobyan Hrachya / 78392 / 109 / hRank720 / Yerevan Physics Institute

842.Lei Jiang / 78313 / 130 / hRank440 / University of Alabama Birmingham

843.Peter J Lang / 78265 / 116 / hRank647 / University of Florida

844.Vincenzo Innocente / 78156 / 123 / hRank562 / CERN

845.P Legendre / 78131 / 95 / hRank833 / Universite de Montreal

846.Laurence Steinberg / 77952 / 120 / hRank606 / Temple University

847.Derek Lovley / 77942 / 152 / hRank186 / University of Massachusetts Amherst

848.Piotr Chomczynski / 77940 / 30 / hRank997 / MRC

849.Deepak Kar / 77934 / 119 / hRank619 / University of Glasgow

850.Noboru Mizushima / 77887 / 106 / hRank757 / University of Tokyo

851.Bertrand Laforge / 77802 / 111 / hRank698 / Université Pierre et Marie Curie

852.Mengcen Wang / 77785 / 18 / hRank1000 / Hokkaido University

853.Zoltán Trócsányi / 77718 / 119 / hRank620 / University of Debrecen

854.Hideo Hosono / 77691 / 115 / hRank660 / Tokyo Institute of Technology

855.Ronald Workman / 77681 / 52 / hRank968 / George Washington University

856.Oxana Smirnova / 77680 / 107 / hRank745 / Lund University

857.Alaettin Serhan Mete / 77594 / 123 / hRank563 / University of California Irvine

858.Lewis L Lanier / 77569 / 150 / hRank197 / University of California San Francisco

859.Yang Yang / 77569 / 130 / hRank441 / University of California Los Angeles

860.Arjun Appadurai / 77554 / 68 / hRank934 / New York University

861.Luc Van Gool / 77530 / 114 / hRank668 / ETH Zurich

862.Giuseppe Francesco Tartarelli / 77501 / 113 / hRank677 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Milano

863.Joseph T Coyle / 77482 / 124 / hRank546 / Harvard Medical School

864.Richard Deyo / 77450 / 136 / hRank367 / Oregon Health & Science University

865.Tim J Cole / 77433 / 125 / hRank527 / University College London

866.Ben Shneiderman / 77402 / 111 / hRank699 / University of Maryland College Park

867.Phillip R Shaver / 77364 / 111 / hRank700 / University of California Davis

868.L Cardon / 77321 / 104 / hRank772 / GlaxoSmithKline

869.Stephen L Buchwald / 77211 / 153 / hRank178 / Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT

870.W James Kent / 77165 / 67 / hRank937 / University of California Santa Cruz

871.Dugan O’Neil / 77160 / 113 / hRank678 / Simon Fraser University

872.Bart Staels / 77156 / 139 / hRank321 / Université Lille 2

873.Judea Pearl / 77156 / 88 / hRank871 / University of California Los Angeles

874.Pedro Galli Mercadante / 77124 / 121 / hRank588 / Universidade Federal do ABC

875.David S Eisenberg / 77113 / 126 / hRank512 / University of California Los Angeles

876.Paul M Vanhoutte / 77083 / 134 / hRank402 / University of Hong Kong

877.Marco Delmastro / 77060 / 100 / hRank799 / CNRS; IN2P3 LAPP Annecy

878.Richard Cavanaugh / 77045 / 121 / hRank589 / University of Illinois Chicago; Fermilab

879.Alvaro Pascual Leone / 77018 / 148 / hRank217 / Harvard University

880.A Irles / 77006 / 124 / hRank547 / LAL; CNRS

881.Vasiliki Mitsou / 76949 / 109 / hRank721 / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

882.Concezio Bozzi / 76918 / 131 / hRank431 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

883.Stephen Pearton / 76861 / 111 / hRank701 / University of Florida

884.Victor Velculescu / 76847 / 95 / hRank834 / Johns Hopkins University

885.Daniel S Levin / 76787 / 111 / hRank702 / University of Michigan

886.Lawrence Appel / 76760 / 114 / hRank669 / Johns Hopkins University

887.Robert M Strieter / 76754 / 154 / hRank170 / Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

888.Steve C R Williams / 76692 / 137 / hRank349 / King’s College London

889.Leonardo Carminati / 76668 / 113 / hRank679 / Universita degli Studi di Milano

890.Yoshua Bengio / 76591 / 100 / hRank800 / Universite de Montreal

891.Michael Boehnke / 76567 / 117 / hRank639 / University of Michigan

892.Mark D Adams / 76566 / 73 / hRank921 / Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine

893.Richard G M Morris / 76563 / 93 / hRank849 / University of Edinburgh

894.Alice Eagly / 76549 / 94 / hRank842 / Northwestern University

895.Charles Van Loan / 76545 / 48 / hRank978 / Cornell University

896.Rahmat Rahmat / 76509 / 124 / hRank548 /

897.Giacomo Polesello / 76443 / 110 / hRank708 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

898.Elio Riboli / 76442 / 138 / hRank332 / Imperial College London

899.Willem M de Vos / 76425 / 138 / hRank333 / Wageningen University; Helsinki University

900.Giovanni Organtini / 76422 / 116 / hRank648 / Universita Sapienza

901.Albert de la Chapelle / 76419 / 129 / hRank461 / Ohio State University

902.Ruslan Mashinistov / 76408 / 107 / hRank746 /

903.J A Fodor / 76396 / 88 / hRank872 / Rutgers University

904.Alan Sill / 76374 / 120 / hRank607 / Texas Tech University

905.Philip Scheltens / 76336 / 135 / hRank388 / VU University Medical Center

906.Manel Esteller / 76334 / 131 / hRank432 / IDIBELL

907.Juan E Peralta / 76308 / 42 / hRank989 / Central Michigan University

908.William G Cochran 1909 1980 / 76305 / 71 / hRank927 / Harvard University

909.Pak Sham / 76252 / 116 / hRank649 / University of Hong Kong

910.Ignazio Lazzizzera / 76246 / 127 / hRank495 / Università di Trento

911.John W Hutchinson / 76212 / 133 / hRank411 / Harvard University

912.David J Brooks / 76207 / 143 / hRank274 / Aarhus University

913.Martti Raidal / 76194 / 121 / hRank590 / National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Tallinn

914.Stanley Falkow / 76188 / 148 / hRank218 / Stanford University

915.Allan Collins / 76167 / 63 / hRank944 / Northwestern University

916.Kevin J Tracey / 76103 / 130 / hRank442 / Feinstein Institute for Medical Research

917.Michael A Hitt / 76078 / 119 / hRank621 / Texas A&M University College Station

918.Thomas D Cook / 76078 / 72 / hRank925 / Northwestern University

919.A S Szalay / 75983 / 103 / hRank782 / Johns Hopkins University

920.Henry Giroux / 75965 / 130 / hRank443 / McMaster University

921.Joanna Wang / 75948 / 101 / hRank797 / University of New South Wales

922.Y J Liu / 75900 / 125 / hRank528 / Birmingham; Schering Plough; DNAX; MD Anderson; Medimmune

923.James Hill / 75867 / 120 / hRank608 / University of Colorado

924.John A Rogers # / 75859 / 137 / hRank350 / Northwestern University

925.Arul Chinnaiyan / 75827 / 129 / hRank462 / University of Michigan

926.Frederik Barkhof / 75796 / 138 / hRank334 / VU University Medical Center

927.Christopher M Bishop / 75743 / 53 / hRank964 / Microsoft Research

928.Vincent Lemaître / 75605 / 116 / hRank650 / Université Catholique de Louvain

929.Eric Jansen / 75596 / 108 / hRank735 / Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

930.Edmund T Rolls / 75580 / 145 / hRank251 / Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience; University of Warwick

931.David P Farrington / 75570 / 149 / hRank209 / University of Cambridge

932.Chen Chuncheng / 75564 / 110 / hRank709 / Insitute of Chemistry

933.Neta Bahcall / 75550 / 115 / hRank661 / Princeton University

934.David Swofford / 75485 / 47 / hRank980 / Duke University

935.Francesca Cavallari / 75481 / 116 / hRank651 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Roma

936.Raymond Frey / 75452 / 134 / hRank403 / University of Oregon

937.Boris B Stefanov / 75397 / 53 / hRank965 / Aisthon Ltd

938.Ronald Burt / 75397 / 69 / hRank931 /

939.Guido Volpi / 75388 / 113 / hRank680 / University of Pisa

940.Robert Post / 75385 / 143 / hRank275 / Grounded Theory Institute

941.Pierre Petroff / 75371 / 126 / hRank513 / University of California Santa Barbara

942.John C Marshall / 75367 / 97 / hRank816 / University of Toronto

943.Stephen Chanock / 75314 / 127 / hRank496 / National Institutes of Health NIH

944.John Urry / 75252 / 88 / hRank873 / University of Lancaster

945.Barry Popkin / 75240 / 138 / hRank335 / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

946.Jeffrey Kim / 75235 / 95 / hRank835 / Radiant Genomics

947.Joseph R Ecker / 75221 / 121 / hRank591 / Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Salk Institute for Biological Studies

948.Morten Dam Jørgensen / 75180 / 109 / hRank722 / Terma A/S

949.Joseph Jankovic / 75172 / 140 / hRank306 / Baylor College of Medicine

950.Robert Costanza / 75157 / 108 / hRank736 / Australian National University

951.Anthony E Lang / 75140 / 141 / hRank291 / University of Toronto

952.Enrico Tassi / 75074 / 114 / hRank670 / Universita della Calabria; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

953.Michael F Scheier / 75029 / 93 / hRank850 / Carnegie Mellon University

954.Garret A FitzGerald / 75021 / 125 / hRank529 / University of Pennsylvania

955.Eugene C Butcher / 75019 / 146 / hRank238 / Stanford University

956.Peter Fonagy / 74975 / 122 / hRank574 / University College London

957.Orhan Cakir / 74952 / 107 / hRank747 / Ankara University

958.Mark Halpern / 74919 / 85 / hRank884 / University of British Columbia

959.L Aravind / 74906 / 121 / hRank592 / National Institutes of Health NIH

960.Miguel Villaplana / 74864 / 104 / hRank773 / Universita degli Studi di Milano; INFN Milano

961.Jennifer Lee / 74852 / 112 / hRank687 / University of North Texas

962.William T Abraham / 74847 / 107 / hRank748 / Ohio State University

963.Donal D C Bradley / 74837 / 117 / hRank640 / Imperial College London

964.Duncan J Watts / 74827 / 46 / hRank982 / Microsoft Research

965.Jerry W Shay / 74813 / 134 / hRank404 / University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

966.James M Tour / 74793 / 127 / hRank497 / Rice University

967.Mikhail Katsnelson / 74768 / 94 / hRank843 / Radboud University Nijmegen

968.David A Weitz / 74743 / 141 / hRank292 / Harvard University

969.Steven Heymsfield / 74706 / 132 / hRank422 / Pennington

970.Hazel Markus / 74649 / 92 / hRank855 / Stanford University

971.Cordelia Schmid / 74645 / 97 / hRank817 / INRIA

972.Sander Greenland / 74639 / 123 / hRank564 / University of California Los Angeles

973.Stephan Meyer / 74612 / 75 / hRank911 / University of Chicago

974.John Maynard Keynes / 74585 / 61 / hRank947 / Cambridge University

975.G Mantovani / 74571 / 115 / hRank662 / Università di Perugia

976.Chuen Tsai Sun / 74517 / 101 / hRank798 / National Chiao Tung University

977.Steven Narod / 74516 / 125 / hRank530 / Women’s College Research Institute

978.Valerio Vercesi / 74490 / 110 / hRank710 / Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

979.R Sekhar Chivukula / 74442 / 46 / hRank983 / Michigan State University

980.Robert E W Hancock / 74408 / 141 / hRank293 / University of British Columbia

981.Johan Auwerx / 74378 / 138 / hRank336 / École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

982.George Perry / 74364 / 136 / hRank368 / University of Texas at San Antonio

983.Victor Montori / 74338 / 114 / hRank671 / Mayo Clinic

984.Graeme J Hankey / 74332 / 108 / hRank737 / University of Western Australia

985.Philip Kim / 74304 / 89 / hRank866 / Harvard University

986.Terence P Speed / 74302 / 95 / hRank836 / Walter & Eliza Hall Institute

987.Kevin Black / 74288 / 106 / hRank758 / Boston University

988.Daniel Pauly / 74287 / 120 / hRank609 / University of British Columbia

989.Xiangyang Ju / 74244 / 98 / hRank814 / University of Wisconsin Madison

990.Rattan Lal / 74222 / 129 / hRank463 /

991.Andrea C Ferrari / 74194 / 97 / hRank818 / University of Cambridge

992.John Terning / 74172 / 61 / hRank948 / University of California Davis

993.Pier Paolo Pandolfi / 74145 / 141 / hRank294 / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

994.Norbert Neumeister / 74144 / 121 / hRank593 / Purdue University

995.Randy L Buckner / 74120 / 121 / hRank594 / Harvard University

996.Anders Björklund / 74118 / 154 / hRank171 / Lund University

997.Stephen Krashen / 74115 / 81 / hRank893 /

998.Carol Dweck / 74092 / 103 / hRank783 / Stanford University

999.Andrew Pardoll / 74076 / 119 / hRank622 / Johns Hopkins University

1000.G D Farquhar / 74056 / 123 / hRank565 / Australian National University